“The situation at the Grand Island Bridge is an outrage,” said lead attorney Timothy Hiller. “People are still adapting to the fact that the tolls have gone cashless, and the state is charging mind-boggling fines. Nobody should have their lives impacted so severely over a $1 toll.”
As stated in the lawsuit, one of the Plaintiff’s received a bill for over $2,000 despite the fact that, to his knowledge, he has never failed to pay any monthly invoice.
“It’s not just the huge fees that are being imposed, but it’s the process. It’s truly a bureaucratic nightmare. Notices aren’t been received. Even when people do get notice, they aren’t being provided with any opportunity to challenge the fines through legal process. Instead, they call into EZ-Pass or the Thruway Authority and they aren’t getting clear answers.”
For further information about the lawsuit, please contact lead attorney Timothy Hiller at thiller@kennethhiller.com.
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