What If My Loved One Passed Away Due To Nursing Home Abuse?

Watch this video by dedicated Buffalo nursing home abuse attorney Timothy Hiller, Esq. as he explains what to do if a loved one passed away due to nursing home negligence.

Sometimes people come to our office and their loved one has passed away in a nursing home due to negligent care. These are some of the most gut-wrenching cases that we deal with. These are mothers, these are fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, and to think that we put them in a place where we think that they’re going to be cared for at the end of their life with dignity, and then they end up dying because of improper care, it’s just a very bitter pill for people to swallow and for myself to swallow. The more I’ve learned about the nursing home industry through the years of representing victims of nursing home abuse, the more appalled I’ve been.

Frankly, I think that there’s a crisis of quality of care in the nursing home industry. Too many nursing homes are owned by people with no nursing or medical background at all. They’re essentially viewing the nursing homes as an investment. When you view a place as critical and important to the community as a nursing home as an investment, people get hurt, and loved ones die because there’s no proper staff.

Loved ones die because the medical director is not just the medical director for this nursing home but for five other nursing homes. If you’ve had a loved one die in a nursing home, you need to contact an attorney who knows about the nursing home industry, who knows where the bodies are buried and who knows what to look for. To determine if this death was caused by negligence or if you already know the death was caused by negligence, you need an attorney who knows how to handle these cases. Nursing homes are regulated by a myriad of state and federal regulations. It’s very complicated.

You need an attorney who knows these regulations and knows how to hold the nursing homes accountable to these regulations.

If you or a loved one was injured in a nursing home in New York due to the negligence of another party, you may be entitled to compensation. At Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, PLLC, we have successfully helped thousands of clients protect their rights and maximize their compensation after suffering a personal injury. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced Buffalo injury lawyer