Do I Have To Appear Before a Judge in Federal Court?

Watch this video by dedicated Buffalo disability attorney Elizabeth Haungs, Esq. where she answers whether or not you have to appear before a judge at federal court. 

Our clients almost always ask, do I have to go before a judge at federal court? And the answer is no. In the vast majority of cases, everything’s going to be done in writing. So what’s going to happen is Social Security is going to give our attorneys a transcript of everything that happened before Social Security, and our disability attorneys go through every single page of that record.

We write a very detailed legal brief pointing out the legal errors that the Social Security judge made, and then we write a detailed brief, generally, up to about 30 pages, that points out every error that we believe the judge made. Social Security gets the opportunity to respond to that, we get to respond to that, and then it goes before a federal court judge. Even if we have to do something, that’s called an oral argument, where we go before the federal court judge to explain what’s going on in the case, that is not something that our clients have to appear for. So that is one of the great things about having a federal court representative and having an attorney represent you at federal court is that we are able to do that all on your behalf.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you’re wondering if you should file a federal court appeal, please call our office. We have incredibly skilled people that are going to be able to help you every step of the way.

At Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, PLLC, our attorneys offer skilled guidance through the process. We have successfully helped thousands of clients receive Social Security benefits in a timely manner. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced Buffalo social security disability attorney