If you’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle and have filed a lawsuit, you will likely have to sit for a deposition at some point. If you’ve never sat for a deposition before, this can be a scary process. Having experienced attorneys at your side who know how to protect your rights at a deposition is crucial. Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, PLLC has helped many clients get through their depositions and ultimately obtain a favorable result. Below, we address some commonly asked questions that our clients have about depositions.

So What Is A Deposition?

A deposition is when you make yourself available to the other parties in a lawsuit to answer questions that may be relevant to the lawsuit.

Who Is Usually Present At A Deposition?

Attorneys for all parties are usually present at a deposition. Sometimes the parties themselves may come to observe. There will also be a court reporter there to take down an accurate record of what is asked and what your answers are.

What Kinds Of Questions Are Typically Asked At A Deposition?

It is impossible to give a definitive list of what questions may be asked at a deposition. Nevertheless, motor vehicle accident victims can expect to be asked basic questions about their life such as their living situation, education, and work history. They will also be asked questions about the motor vehicle accident itself. Finally, it is typical for the motor vehicle accident to be asked questions about their medical care and their injuries.

How Long Do Depositions Take?

All depositions are generally limited to 7 hours in one day, and it would be very rare for a deposition in a motor vehicle accident case to go longer than one day. A typical deposition might take two hours, give or take. This, however, is just an estimate. The length of the deposition depends upon a number of factors.

Do I Have To Answer All The Questions?

The short answer is yes. When clients ask us this question, we instruct them that there are very few instances where we can step in and prevent them from answering a question. Depositions are, by their nature, relatively open-ended in their scope. That being said, there are instances where the questions posed to you may be so over the line that we will step in and prevent you from answering. But this is, and should be, rare.

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More importantly, at Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, PLLC, we try to turn this question on its head. By its nature, the question is a fearful one. The client asking this question fears that they may have to answer questions that make them uncomfortable or questions that they may not be sure how to answer. Our preparation process, however, is built around making you feel completely comfortable at the deposition. Before you step into that room, we will have fleshed out your fears and your anxieties about the deposition and reassured you that we will not let anything bad happen to you in that deposition room.

What To Expect At A Motor Vehicle Accident Deposition

How Can I Prepare For My Deposition?

Many attorneys confuse their clients by running through mock depositions and suggesting ways in which certain questions should be answered. Not only do we think this isn’t exactly ethical, but we also just don’t’ think this works. Nothing can kill a case quicker than when a client attempts to answer a question the way they were coached but doesn’t quite get it right.

Here at Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, PLLC we are focused on helping you tell your story. We don’t want to coach your answers, or have you pretend to be someone you aren’t. We simply want to make you feel comfortable enough to tell your story; the good and the bad.

Most people are intimidated by depositions and don’t feel comfortable. When you aren’t comfortable, it’s hard to convey the emotion of what an accident has put you through. We start by listening to you. We mean really listening. Then, we help you find your voice. Using proven techniques taught by top trial attorneys throughout the country, we help you tell your story with confidence. When you tell your real truth—it resonates.

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